About me

I am a Professor at the Department of Applied Mathematics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan. My research focuses on developing analytical, computational, and machine-learning methodologies for challenging scientific computing tasks, and further communicating with scientists from other disciplines to address practical problems.

My list of publications in Google Scholar. Some preprints in arXiv.

I co-organize NYCU webinar on Scientific Machine Learning.


  • Mathematical modeling
  • Scientific computation
  • Scientific machine learning


  • PhD in Mathematical Sciences, 2012

    New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA

  • M.S. in Applied Mathematics, 2004

    National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan

  • B.S. in Mathematics, 2002

    National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan

Recent Posts

Least square method 2

最小平方法 2 給定一個矩陣 $A$ 以及一個向量 $b$, 我們想要找到一個向量 $x$ 使得 $\|Ax - b\|^2+\|x\|^2$ 最小. $$ A\in M_{m\times n}, \quad b \in M_{m\times 1}, \quad …

主成分分析 - 0

Principle component analysis - 0 1. 一維資料的統計學 假設我們有 $n$ 筆資料, 每筆資料都是一個數字 (例如 $n$ 個學生的成績). 這 $n$ 筆資料我們設為 $x_1, \cdots, x_n$, 並且定義一個矩陣 $$ …

Least square method 1

最小平方法 1 給定一個矩陣 $A$ 以及一個向量 $b$, 我們想要找到一個向量 $x$ 使得 $\|Ax - b\|^2$ 最小. $$ A\in M_{m\times n}, \quad b \in M_{m\times 1}, \quad x\in …